

Introducing Project 006: Dashi RDX  


**New release date May 11th**


Noma Projects announces the release of Project 006: Dashi RDX, the first of a new line of reductions. After moving into a new production space at the start of the year, we are releasing Dashi RDX at our largest quantity to date. Releasing on May 11th at 


Dashi RDX is a powerful reduction of dashi made from kombu, katsuobushi, sake, and mushrooms. This savory syrup packs layers of flavor from the ocean, perfect to drizzle on just about any dish. 


A concentration of flavor and technique; it’s an in-house brew of some of the most umami rich ingredients we can imagine—traditional Japanese Dashi with our very own Smoked Mushroom Garum—combined using a mix of traditional techniques and our own innovations in fermentation and reduction that we know to provide the most impactful flavor. Noma’s test kitchen has spent nearly two decades exploring and studying Japanese cuisine and the flavor of umami. Dashi RDX is the culmination of years of research and travel, combined with our persistent curiosity and search for umami flavor. The result is a dark, deeply flavorful, and complex syrup that we find addictive.   


This rich reduction is not for cooking, you simply drizzle a few drops to any finished dish to add deep flavor and layers of umami. It pairs perfectly with roasted vegetables, steamed fish, eggs any style, or a satisfying bowl of steamed rice.  


Releasing on May 11th at   

250 DKK / 36 USD 

100 ml    


Press photos can be downloaded here 

View our full press page here 

Press contact: Jenny Löfgren, Communications Manager  

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